‘After the Party’ was a part of the 2021 Latest Visions Halloween Film Festival
Both ‘Goodwill’ and ‘Domestic’ were a part of the 2019 Queerbee LGBT Film Festival
‘Goodwill’ was a part of the 2018 Pride Film Festival - Winter Shorts
‘Forward Thinking’ was in the 2017 Screentest student film festival
Poster for ‘After the Party’
Cast in costume ready for filming ‘Forward Thinking’
Edwardian hairstyles on the cast of ‘Forward Thinking’
Still from the filming of ‘Goodwill’
Cast and crew of ‘After the Party’ pose for a photo
Filming ‘After the Party’
Still from ‘Dear Sister’
Poster for ‘(Dis)Abilities’
On location filming ‘(Dis)Abilities’
Beatrix Nutter’s costume from ‘(Dis)Abilities’ made by Rebecca Palmer
The entire cast and crew of ‘Domestic’